Flask Webserver
Web Applications & Frameworks with Python As a powerful scripting language adapted to both fast prototyping and bigger projects, Python is widely used in web application development. http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/scenarios/web/ ********************************************************************************************* LoRa Radio add-on for IoT Gateway Add LoRa capability to an existing IoT gateway running with MQTT Broker LoRa Radio add-on for IoT Gateway ********************************************************************************************* […]
Se stai cercando un metodo low cost fai da te per installare a casa un impianto di videosorveglianza, in questa guida scoprirai come realizzarlo utilizzando il Raspberry Pi 2 (puoi utilizzare anche Raspberry PI A, B, A+, B+, Odroid C1, Cubietruck o Banana PI). Se hai un PC Windows che puoi tenere sempre acceso invece ti consiglio di dare un […]
1. Introduction Recently, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) technology has gained a lot of attention and become popular in the wireless technology and the industry fields. This rising popularity is due to its low cost, rapid development and ability to offer broadband wireless access to the internet in places where wired infrastructure is not available or […]
There are significant differences between a wireless access point vs. wireless router. A wireless access point, or AP, adds Wi-Fi capability to a wired network by bridging traffic from workstations onto an Ethernet LAN. A wireless router combines broadband router capabilities — such as acting as the gateway between the internet and a local area network — as […]
Hardware MCU Chipset QCA9531 RF 2T2R MIMO 802.11N SDRAM 64MB DDR RAM Flash 16MB Interface 2 x RJ-45 for 10/100 Mbps(POE) 1 x Reset button(Reset & Factory Defaults) 1 x Power DC Jack Power 12V/1A DC Jack or 18V/1A Passive POE Antenna 15dBi Directional Antenna Dimensions 235x85x45mm Package Dimensions 345x100x70mm Product Weight 0.3kg Package Weight […]
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https://hackaday.io/project/2492-micromesh-iot-mesh-network ESP8266 : Guida completa, in italiano! http://www.tlc.unife.it/files/data/Tesi/Braga_Thomas_VO.pdf https://it.aliexpress.com/popular/wireless-mesh-networks.html http://espressif.com/en/products/software/esp-mesh/overview AmpliFi HD, il Wi-Fi mesh per le reti domestiche
Indagine, Analisi, Risoluzione problemi dei siti Wi-Fi NetSpot è l’unica applicazione professionale per l’indagine dei siti wireless (wifi site survey), wifi analizzatore e la risoluzione dei problemi su Mac OS X. Si tratta di un analizzatore Wi-Fi GRATUITO che permette anche di amplificatore wifi. Non c’è bisogno di essere un esperto di rete per migliorare […]